Wednesday, June 20, 2012

How it all began

I am often asked how all began with my bears. So I will use my blog to talk a little about it.
Teddy bears have always had a special place in my life. As a child, I had an old Hermann bear which was a gift from my Mother. This bear (I've called him Hermann) was also the childhood bear from my Mother before. But as so often when I grown older, Hermann was forgotten for a while and was sitting on the attic for some years. But I'm happy that I still have him and now he is sitting beside my bed. I feel that I keep that part of my childhood with Hermann.
But my passion for bears began in the year 1994 when I passed a shop on my way to work and saw several teddy bears looking at me from the window.  It was love at first sight.  In the shop there were held a bear maker course which I attended. I was fascinated by my first made bear and was affected by the so-called "bear virus" from that very moment. Soon I began designing my own bears and called them “Lovable Fellows”. 

Here is a photo of my childhood bear Hermann:

Here is a photo of my first handmade teddy bear:

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